*the most stupid questions that were asked*
Q. How can I make my boobs look bigger? They're way flat. I know it's not
the end of the world, but I'd really like a little more in front.
-***********, 16, N.Y.
A. First off, patience might pay off: It takes breasts about five years to develop fully. In the meantime, there are no exercises,
mechanical devices, lotions or potions that can make your breasts grow. Breasts have no muscle tissue; they're made of glands and
fat tissue. But you can do upper body exercises to develop your pectoral muscles (the muscles underneath your breasts). While this
won't radically change the size of your breasts, it can make your breasts stand out more. If you're obsessed with pumping up your
breasts, there are plenty of padded bras available. (Think Wonderbra.) But why not pump up your body image instead? You'll be far
better off learning to accept and appreciate your breasts as they are. And remember, if the people around you are placing a lot of
emphasis on breast size, they're the real boobs!
Q. Last summer I got a small tattoo on my hip. Now I wish it wasn't there. Can it be removed?
A. Laser technology can be used to remove tattoos. The laser's intense light is so powerful that when it strikes the pigmented area, the
pigment vaporizes. But, keep in mind that even with laser removal, you won't get "no-scar" results. The pigment that's used to tattoo the
skin is deep within your skin's dermis, or second layer, and it's difficult to remove. And the heat of the procedure can induce some
scarring, just as a third-degree burn would. If you want to know more about this method of tattoo removal, talk with your dermatologist.
He or she will be able to help you decide the best treatment depending on the size and location of the tattoo.
*my thought*
EXCUSE ME!ever herd of thinking before doing somthing?
god how stupid can people be!did you THINK befor getting one?
Q. Last year I got my belly button pierced. Now I hate it! What can I do to make it close up? How long will it take?
A. If you want to let the pierced area close up, it's best to go to a professional body piercer to have the belly button ring removed.
If you try to remove it yourself, you could wind up with an infection. Once the ring has been removed, be sure to keep the area clean.
Wash the area with a liquid, antibacterial soap, twice a day. Be sure to rinse carefully. As for the amount of time it will take for the hole
to close, it varies with each person. It can take a few weeks or as long as a year. When the hole closes, it's likely to leave a telltale
mark that looks like a large pore.
Well because i want my belly button peirced,just like the above ^
you should of waited and thought about what you
were gonna do.
Q: There is this boy who stalked me, literally stalked me, and I went to my favorite teacher and she came with me to the Guidance
Counselor because she said it was the best thing to do. I felt awkward going there and like I wasn't doing the right thing, even though
my counselor and teacher told me I was. The boy can't speak to me now without getting suspended and I feel like I did something
wrong, even though I know I didn't. I want to tell the boy I am sorry, but the harassment might start again. The day after I went to
Guidance, he was following me around but not talking to me, and that really freaked me out more. Did I do the right thing? Did I do
anything wrong?
A: Yes you did the right thing and no, you didn't do anything wrong. Stalkers are more common than a lot of people think. And
celebrities aren't the only people who have to worry about them. This boy has an unhealthy obsession with you, clearly your teachers
saw this and that is why he has been told to stay away from you. All of us have experienced crushes on people who don't return our
affection. Most of us get the point when someone makes it clear that they want nothing to do with us and we move on. Stalkers don't
get it. They think that if they stick to it long enough, they can wear down your resistance and eventually win your love. They have no
idea how creepy they are. What's scary is that many of them get frustrated when they don't get what they want and they can turn
violent. This is why your teachers took this matter seriously and why you should not feel guilty or sorry. If you apologize to him, he will
take that as a sign that there is hope for him and he will probably stalk you more than ever. Please stay away from him. This boy needs
help from professionals. Your teachers have probably told his parents about it and, one hopes, he will soon get the counseling he so
desperately needs.
opionion:are you sure he wasn't trying
to ask you out?'
Q: My boyfriend cheats on me...a lot. When I confront him about it, he denies it and then hits me. He says if I break up with him, I'll
really regret it. We've been going out for almost two years. I just don't think I could handle living without him. I'Ve been lying to my
parents, because they would totally freak out if they found out what's going on. Please help!
Scared and Confused, Md.
Get out of this situation! If your boyfriend is cheating on you, he obviously doesn't respect you. If he's physically harming you, this is a
situation that will only escalate. You are staying in a relationship that is compromising your relationship with your parents, putting you at
risk for contracting sexually transmitted diseases, and could ultimately endanger your life. If you are afraid to leave him, discuss your
concerns with your parents or consider calling a domestic abuse hotline for support.
its all dumping your b/f,
getting on with your life
its not that hard.
but there are basterds out there that do crap like that.
Q: I am going out with this guy and all he wants to do is have sex! I don't want to because I'm not ready for that kind of commitment to
him. Do you think I should break up with him?
Confused, Fla.
Dear Confused: First of all, realize that you are not alone in your predicament. Lots of girls feel that their boyfriends pressure them for
sex. If you really feel that all he wants from the relationship is sex, then you should make it very clear to him that you're not ready. If he
doesn't respect your views about this, then you would be better off without him. No one should feel forced into behavior they are not
comfortable with
tell him that u don't want sex and if he
wants it longer leave him!
Q: I'm 19 and I have a great new boyfriend. My problem is that all I can think about is sex. We're sexually active and I know he enjoys it,
too, but I feel like I think about it more than he does. I haven't told him this because I don't want to freak him out. Is this normal?
-Waiting Anxiously for Your Answer
A: Many women grow up believing that men crave sex and are the sexual aggressors. But the fact is, most women have very active
sexual fantasies and intense sex drives, too--very often they just believe that they shouldn't have those feelings, or show them.
Typically, women say they're afraid that men will think less of them or will be intimidated if they initiate sex. Plus, women are not raised
to do this skillfully. While there are some male egos that are threatened by strong women, you shouldn't spend too much time worrying
about freaking your boyfriend out. Generally, I think most men would appreciate it--and your boyfriend may be one of them.
congragts!your thinking about your future job!a job as a hooker!
*babysitter is pissing me off to 'get off pc' dont take this stuff personaly
this stuff on this part was from
questions?email nat!